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there, and I have been working for the "Green Swamp Company" up to the fall of Wilmington.

Ques. by Pros.  When Mr. R. first whipped you, why did you not leave him then?

Ans. Because he told me he had a paper to take me wherever he could find me.

Ques. by Pros.  What made you go back when Parker read the paper to you?

Ans. Because he said he had an order for me and would put me in jail, and keep me there six months.

Ques. by Pros.  Was Ben Simpson there when you were whipped?

Ans.  He was; when I was first whipped.

Ques. by Pros.  What is your age?

Ans. I had been told I would be twenty one in January 1867.

Ques. by Def.  Do you know Edward Horner?

Ans.  Yes Sir.

Ques. by Def.  Did he ever teach you to read or write?

Ans.  He has never showed me a letter in the book — he only, showed me some figures on the slate.


D.D. Barber, of Columbus Co. called, being duly sworn, stated.

Ques. by Pros.  Are you acquainted with Dan Bagley?

Ans.  Yes sir.