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Ques by Pros.  How long have you known him?

Ans.  Since 1860.

Ques by Pros.  State his character.

Ans.  He lived with me about nine months. So far as I know, his character is good.

Ques by Pros.  Do you know anything about this whipping?

Ans.  I know nothing only what I have heard.

Ques by Pros.  Who did you hear it from?

Ans.  From Mr. Richardson.

Ques by Pros.  When was it?

Ans.  Some time last Summer.

Ques by Pros.  What was it R. said?

Ans.  He told me the boy was stubborn and unruly, and that he had whipped him severely for it.

Ques. by Def.  Do you know Mr. R. character as a peaceable and humane man?

Ans.  I never heard any fault until this.

Ques by Def.  How long have you known him?

Ans.  I have known him for sixteen years.

Ques by Def.  Has there recently been a change in the firm of the "Green Swamp Co"?  
(Question ruled out by the court)

Ques. by Def.  Are you acquainted with the character of W. T. Maultsby?

Ans.  I am somewhat acquainted with his character.

Ques. by Def. What is his character for truth?

Transcription Notes:
Per previous pages' transcriptions, I'm inserting line spaces between each question and answer. - Beth