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Ques by Pros.  Did you not see any marks on Dan?

Ans.  I saw marks and begged for him.  When Mr. R. told me if I did not shut up my mouth he would blow my brains out.

Ques. by Def.  How long have you been living with Mr. R.?

Ans.  One month.

Ques by Def.  Who are you living with now?

Ans.  With Mr. Barber.

Ques by Def.  How long was this hoop pole?

Ans.  It was long enough to injure him — it was a barrel hoop.

Ques by Def.  Was Dan badly whipped?

Ans.  Mr. R. rubbed him with "Lobelia Ointment" to take the soreness out.

Ques by Def.  Was Dan laid up, and how long?

Ans.  He was about the yard but did not work any.

Ques by Co.  Were you with Dan constantly during those two days?

Ans.  I was at meals, only.

Ques. by Co.  Did Dan say why he was not at work?

Ans.  Because he said his arms were sore.


D.D. Barber re-called

Ques by Pros.  Did Mr. R. tell you how long he had whipped Dan?

Ans.  To the best of my recollection, he was the better part of a half day in whipping and talking to him.