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Clement Richardson, called, being duly sworn, stated.

Ques by Def.  What relation are you to B. M. Richardson?

Ans.  He is my father.

Ques by Def.  Do you know R.'s age?

Ans.  Something near 55.

Ques by Def. Do you know anything about the contract between Mr. R and Dan?

Ans.  I do not.

Ques by Def.  Do you know anything about the whipping of Dan?

Ans.  It was sometime last Summer.

Ques by Def.  Where did it take place?

Ans.  At the house.

Ques by Def.  What was it about?

Ans.  He let the mules get out into the potato patch twice. Second time father told him he would whip him, when Dan said, if any white man laid hands on him, he would split him open and see his blood.

Ques by Def.  Did he repeat that more than once?

Ans.  I did not hear it more than once. Dan struck at father with the curry comb and appeared to be mad. Then father took hold of him, and whipped him some and talked to him some. He whipped him with a stick he picked up in the yard, striking him 3 or 4 times, and talking to him 15 or 20 minutes, asking him if he had not treated