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The Affidavits of Mr. Short and Mr. Bagley taken by the Court are of a different character.  They specify a few simple facts, and were asked for and requested by the Court for the purpose as shown by them.

The Court well knows them to be gentlemen of the highest character for respectability truth, honor and veracity.

It has been intimated by Counsel that this Prosecution is prompted by malice.  I have to say that I heard of Richardson for the first time in my life when I heard of this Offence four or five weeks since.

My attention was attracted to it by a remark from a gentleman and I followed it up, asking and summoning all the evidence I received.

If business difficulties exist, they are nothing to the Court or to the Prosecution.  Nothing was volunteered of importance but much was asked, refused and then required before I could complete the case.  The question then is simply is the Defendant Guilty or not guilty of the acts charged and after mature deliberation I do find the Prisoner of.

Assault and Battery upon Dan'l Bagley (Freedman) with malicious purpose ..... Guilty
Brutal treatment and beating of Daniel Bagley (Freedman) in order to compel his consent to an Indenture ..... Guilty

And do therefore sentence him to pay a fine of one hundred dollars for the first offense and a fine of one hundred dollars for the second offense.  And to pay to the Court for Daniel Bagley (freedman)