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Third Division, Tenth Army Corp. 
General Orders } District of New Berne, 
No. 28.        } NEW BERNE, N.C. July 24, 1865.

I. Before a Military Commission which convened at Roanoke Island, N.C., pursuant to Special Orders No. 66, Head-Quarters 3d Division 10th Army Corps, District of Beaufort, New Berne, N. C., June 29th 1865 and of which Major H. S. PERKINS 1st U. S. C. T. is President, was arraigned and tried:

Misapplication and embezzlement of public property entrusted to his care.


Cruel and abusive treatment of the colored people under his care, as Assistant Superintendant of Negro affairs.

To which charges the accused pleaded "Not Guilty."

The Commission, after mature deliberation upon the evidence adduced, finds the accused as follows:

Of charge I, "Guilty."
Of charge II, "Guilty."
Of charge III, "Not Guilty." but "Guilty of cruel treatment to two colored women under his care as Ast. Superintendant of Negro affairs."

And the Commission does therefore sentence him, Holland Streeter, (Citizen,) to be confined to hard labor, for the term of three months, at such place as the Commanding General shall direct, and that he pay a fine of five hundred dollars to the United States Government.

II. Before a Military Commission which convened at New Berne, N.C., pursuant to Special Orders, No. 64, dated Head-Quarters 3d Division 10th Army Corps, District of Beaufort, New Berne, N.C, June 27th 1865, and of which Col. O. P. STEARNS, 39th U. S. C. T. is President, was arraigned and tried: 
WILLIAM H. JONES, (Citizen:)


Using violent threats against peaceful Citizens.

To which charges the accused pleaded, "Not Guilty."
The Commission after mature deliberation upon the evidence adduced, finds the accused as follows:

Of Charge I, "Guilty."
Of Charge II, "Not Guilty."

And does therefore sentence him, William H. Jones (Citizen,) "to be confined at hard labor for six calender months, at such place as the Commanding General may direct."