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Wrote a communication to Mr Powell stating that he must pay Orange fair wages for his labor or give him a fair share of the crop and that, he must pay his wife for her services since the 27th of April 1865.


Ned Carver, Daniel King, & John Hill, wish to raise, repair & use Burnt flat Boat lying at the foot of Ann Street and formally the property of and used by rebel authorities

Permission granted to above

Betsy Powell (Freedwoman)
States that Mrs Frank Powell near Grices Depot Columbus Co. has driven her away without paying her for her labor

Gave letter to Mrs Powell directing her to pay Betsy for her labor since April 17th 1865


Mr James W. Middleton Magnolia
States that house corner Front & Walnut Streets Wilmington NC. is occupied by freemen ^[[Refugees]] who refuse to pay him

Refered to Provost Marshall of District

Tom Shines (Freedman)
States that he made an agreement with Mr David Russell of Robeson to work & gather his crops for which he was to receive his subsistance quarters and when the crops were gathered, on third of them _