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Memorandum of Complaints made to Assistant Sup't of Sub Dist of Wilmington N.C.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L. from 21st to 31st August 1865
[[underlined]] Sallie Galloway [[/underlined]] (Colr'd)
Statement   Came into Mr Galloways charge by marriage.  Mr Galloway turned her over to her (Mrs Gs) brother he told her that if she did not do as she had [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] been to clear out, (she cleared out) wants to get an order for her things    [[under lined]] Action   order given [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Mr Sherman, Columbus Co. Fair Bluff
   Wants to know if he can have five young children bound to him.  [[underlined]] Refer'd to Maj Wickersham. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] H. E. Curr [[/underlined]] Rocky Point  N.H. Co
   Employed (seven) 7 men on Verbal agreement, that they were to work the farm, he to give them half the crop at gathering time, furnishing them implements and rations. ___ Complains that three of them have left, wants advice in case of their coming back ____  [[underlined]] Advised him [[/underlined]] to hold the matter over to see if they came, if they have charges against him _ we will  investigate their case, and if ill conduct on his part is proven he will have to pay the value of their share to the time of their leaving, if not they will forfeit their shares altogether
[[underlined]] Primus Hill [[/underlined]]  Youngs Plantations N.H. Co
   Mr Young told him he must leave on Monday morning next or else pay in $2 1/2 for month of the room he stays in,  [[underlined]] Advice Better pay it then move [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Frank Brenchly [[/underlined]] (Colr'd)
Disagrement between man & wife she refusing to live with him ___ [[underlined]] Decided he could claim her and gave her strong advice. [[/underlined]]