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Greensboro, N.C. Decbr. 12, 1865.

Col. E. Whittlesey,
Ass Commiss Bu: Ref F.. & A. L.


In the case of Richard Hatch who was fined [[underlined]] twenty [[/underlined]] Doll. by me, I have the honor to report the following:

Rich. Hatch and Wm Barfield appeared before me Decbr. 6. 1865, accused of stealing a mule from a freedman. Owing to the failure of a principal witness to appear, the trial was postponed. Since then, however, facts have come to light, proving him clearly as the thief and a confirmed unrepenting rebel.

R. [[Hatch]] is a notoriously bad character, the Sheriff of this County, E. Holland, Rey. knows him well. He was already before me on a previous occasion, and has threatened violence before. At the trial in question his manner towards me was equally insulting and defying, and it was also proven beyond a doubt that he had threatened to shoot the accusing party.

Being fully convinced that this man Hatch not only wanted to defy the laws of the United States, by endeavoring to intimidate these harmless men, whom he had first wronged, by stealing, perhaps their all, but that he was equally intent on insulting me, I fined him twenty dollars, only regretting from facts now before me, that I did not put him in jail and turned him over to you for Court - Martial.

I have the honor to be very respectfully your ob. S.
[[signature]] Geo. D. Glovis. [[/signature]]
Ass Comm.

Transcription Notes:
Trouble identifying names with certainty. They have been commented out for second opinion upon review. Edited: confirmed names and corrected some entries