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3d  3 [[underlined]] d [[/underlined]] n.

To Mr Martin Let me reason the case with Mr Hawkins when Mr Martin Struck Said Roan Stewart across the arm with a pitch fork twice the fork being as Large as his Rist after which said Roan Ran and he saw no more of him then and all so state that Mr Martins Reputation is Very Bad amongst the colord People and that they are generaly all afraid of him)

Catherine Stewart being sworn state that all she knows of the case is that it appeared to be an old Grudge that Mr Martin had aganst Roan Stewart and that Mr Martin never had eney interferance with her but he is concidered amongst the Colord people to be a Bad man to them and they are generaly all afraid of [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] ^[[him]] and she has known him to whip Colord persons whom had Passes to go wher they wanted to whip them before their passes was out

Charles Moody being Duly Sworn State that he does not know eny thing of the case only what he heard said in Grocery wher the wer selling Brandy he heard [[underlined]] Mr Martin say that when he hit Roan Stewart he intended to kill him [[/underlined]] by Hitting him across the fore Head but he threw up his arm and he Broke it says that he ^[[had]] whiped him wen he had a pass to be absent from home says that he let him of the first time By Promising him Two dollar in Silver