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5th   5th

Joal Hawkins ^[[White Man]] Being duly sworn State that he saw some person hand said Roan Stewart and out to him from one of the Negro cabins when Said Roan Stewart Started to leave and Mr Hawkins started after him with a gun then Mr Martin came up [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] with them and picked up "a stick or a pitch fork and saw Mr Martin hit the said Roan Stewart with the fork across the arm which Broke the said Roan Stewarts  State that the said Roan Stewart character is very Bad for Lying Stealing and Playing card Drinking and carousing

Alexander Martin Being Duly Sworn State that he always concidered that Mr Martin was the Overseer on the farm of Mr Hawkins and conciders that Roan Stewart character is very Bad

E F Beasly being duly sworn state that he knows Mr Martin and says that his character is good and that he has the charge of Mr Hawkins farm"

Morice Payne being Duly Sworn State that him and Mr Martin was out hunting and they had caught a Possum and Roan Steward came where they was and offered him a Quarter of a dollar for the said Possum and that Mr Hawkins said Roan if you have got so much money Pay me what you owe me" and Roan Stewart Said I do not owe you any money and Mr Hawkins then went in the house and Roan Stewart then started to leave and then Mr Hawkins