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by means of straw and lint on the ground and bushes to whare it appeard to have been loaded by appearance on a wagon there I saw a board seat of a waggon whare the cotton was loaded. I also saw large horse track the horse from appearance was hitched to a waggon I then went to Stephen Sutherland, and traced a horse track in the direction of George Foggs. I also saw a horse track drawing a waggon returning from the direction of George Foggs the horse track was the same size and shape as the one whare the cotton had been loaded I also saw cotton on the sleaves of [[Perry?]] Sleane 19" Day Jan 19 1866

B. F. Stamback, duly sworn upon his oath sayes that he resides in Franklin Co. N Car that he was down at John F Stamback on business when the cotton was missing I helped to trace the cotton to whare it appeared to of been laid by the side of the road there was the track of a horse and waggon coming from the direction of George Foggs I then pursued the track 4 or 5 miles towards Henderson up to Mr James Balls whare the team turned in the road towards Henderson I could not track it any further Defendant acknowledged in open court at this point that he borrowed the wagon