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of George Foggs to get a load of fodder

George Foggs duly sworn upon his oath sayes that he resides in Franklin County N Car that he is acquainted with Stephen Sutherland that he came to my house on friday morn'g before day light to get my waggon he said he wanted to haul some fodder I let him have the waggon

2 what time did he have the wagon at, the latter part of Janry last

Joseph W Duke duly sworn upon this oath sayes that he resides in Warren County N Car that he is acquainted with Stephen Sutherland that he knows the horse that Stephen has and has seen him often that Stephen lives on his fathers Plantation

I saw the track of Horse and waggon whare Mr John F Stanback traced some stolen cotton to whare it appeard to of been loaded on a waggon I should think the track was made by Stephen's horse as near as I can Judge Stephen Sutherland was absent from home January 19" 1866

Joseph Colby. duly sworn upon his oath sayes that he resides in Warren Co N Car that he is acquainted with Stephen Sutherland