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he has never failed before last year to raise cotton. Doct Holt has a good mill and does a good deal of grinding. Doct Holt has a fine stock of blooded cattle and sheep, the finest in the country, asuch stock that a farmer would not kill for meat except in cases of necessaty, for the stock would sell for very high prices. I dont see such quantites of stock on his plantation now as I used to before and during the war. Doct Holt has always had the reputation of feeding his negroes enough and clothing them comfortably. I have heard it reported that he did not feed as much meat as some others, but I think he gave them enough, the Doct had a great deal of milk and where that was used among women and children less meat would be required. Differant farmers had different rules for feeding negroes. There was no arrangement or understanding among the farmers in my neighborhood last year with regard to paying the negroes as far as I knew of.

Transcription Notes:
meat or meal? need a second opinion if you don't know, please leave it as it is meat makes more sense since it is more expensive, also if you look, his l's are different from his t's