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until the end of the year. he worked in the crops as a hoe hand and did other things such as boys of his size are required to do, he mad about three fourths of a hand. I lost six days time. I had a wife and child who staid on the plantation three months during the year. I was allowed by Doct Holt one peck of meal a week for the support of my wife and child  my wife picked peas in the afternoon, helped dig potatoes some and washed some for the overseer. my child carried water some times to the hands in the field, but was not considered a hand like the others. my wife and child were never owned by Doct Holt. Abram (colored) is also a freedman of Doct Holts about twenty five years old. he worked as a field hand from May 1st until the end of the year. Abram lost some three or four weeks from sickness. Abram helpped to make the crops as other field hands  he has a wife Doseos about nineteen years old, a freedwoman of Doct Holts. she worked as a house servant at the home place, from May 1st