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Headquarters at 2306 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 8, D. C. HUdson 3-3381

[[image: between "at" and "2306" is an engraving of a sprout with many small leaves diverging from the stem]]


April 10, 1963

Dear Member,

The enclosed copy of my letter to Representative Wilbur D. Mills, and the Association's statement for the record of the Committee on Ways and Means in Support of the President's 1963 Tax Recommendation, is sent for your information.

You will note that in our statement we ask for the additional 10% charitable deduction to cover contributions to museums, and [[underlined]]that this be accomplished by amending the definition of an educational organization under #503(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, to include museums, historical agencies, and libraries.[[/underlined]] The latter, i.e., recognition of the museum as an educational organization, is perhaps our most important single objective.

We hope that everyone who concurs with our statement will encourage the various members of the Ways and Means Committee to take appropriate action.

Please bring this to the attention of your Board of Trustees and staff members.

I would appreciate knowing your personal reaction or position in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
[[signed]] Joseph Allen Patterson [[/signed]]
Joseph Allen Patterson
