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A NOTE ABOUT CONVENTION FEES-The Registration Fee for the 1959 Convention is $5.00 per person. This admits the guest to the following events: opening cocktail party at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, reception at the National Gallery of Art, all lecture sessions, and the bus tour. The overall fee for the convention is $20.00. This price includes the registration fee, and all events on the program, including the following meals: the Corcoran cocktail party, two luncheons, and cocktails and supper on the boat trip. Kindly check the reverse side of this card the events which you wish to attend, and return the card, with your check for the total, in the envelope provided herewith. Checks should be made payable to The American Federation of Arts. Your ticket and final program will be waiting for you at the Statler-Hilton in Washington.

NOTE: For your comfort, we suggest that you bring a coat, if you are planning to go on the boat trip Friday evening.