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November 28th, 1931.

The American Hebrew,
71 West 47th Street,
New York City.


We are recently in receipt of a clipping from your magazine, reproducing a painting by George Chinnery, in our possession.

This, we believe, was reproduced on the cover of the November 6th issue, and was sent to us by the Romeike Press Clipping Bureau. Of course, you have very kindly printed "courtesy of Jacques Seligmann & Co.", but we would be deeply grateful if you would let us know where you obtained the plate for this reproduction, and how it happened to be in your possession, as the clipping came as a complete surprise and was reproduced entirely unknown to us.

Please do not misunderstand the tone of this letter - we are merely curious to know how it happened that our painting was reproduced.

Thanking you in advance, we remain

Very truly yours,


