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November 20th, 1937

write to her about it. Therefore I should appreciate it if you would help me out and let me know where I should address my lines to.

I saw Herrmann and Starr yesterday at Len Hanna's who gave a cocktail party for Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dunstan, Eric Dunstan, Eric being the new husband of the former Flora Sebastian. They too will come out to California.

But I am afraid my letter is getting awfully long, so let me close for today. In any case I hope my lines find you in the best of health and spirits, and looking forward to hearing from you soon, I am -- with many good wishes and kindest personal regards,

As always,

(R.H. Waegen)

P.S. We have been having a very unusual and interesting Picasso Exhibition which has drawn a record attendance to our galleries, and I am sending you under separate cover one of our catalogues which you may like to have.

E. Raymond Armsby, Esq.
Call Building
San Francisco, California