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[[image: line drawing of a grey-shaded octagon with "AD" in the centre]]
578 Madison Avenue
New York City
N. Y. [[/preprinted]]

February 27,
1 9 2 8 ^[[CT]]


Mr. Clifford Trevor
Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.,
3 East 51st Street,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Trevor:

On page 47 you will find the reproduction of your lovely screens and also a very nice page of publicity for you.

I am particularly pleased that it happens to be in this special Spring Furnishing and Decorating number, by far the lovliest, most interesting and most helpful number wehave ever put out for any and who is either building or decorating a home. This issue comes the nearest to our ideal of what ARTS & DECORATION should be than any summer we have put up to this time -- and as far as demonstrating that ARTS & DECORATION is an outstanding advertising medium, this issue shows a 50% increase over a year ago -- which is some record.

With sincere regards, I am

Yours very truly,
^[[E. F Warner]]
E. F. Warner - Publisher