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February 11th, 1929.


Dear Mrs. Roberts:

As you probably like to be advised of coming exhibitions well in advance, we are writing to tell you that from March 25th until April 20th, we are going to hold an exhibition of the recent works of [[underlined]] MARIO KORBEL [[/underlined]].

Among the works exhibited there will be bust portraits of Madame Davidova, Master Cyril McCormick, Mrs. William Ziegler, a new version of the figure of St. Therese executed for Mrs. Nichols F. Brady and now in St. Patrick's Cathedral, etc., etc.

We have photographs of a number of pieces if you would like to drop in to see them some time. 

Yours very truly,



Mrs. Mary Fenton Roberts,
Editor and Critic,
[[underlined]] Arts and Decoration, [[/underlined]]
578 Madison Avenue,
New York, New York.