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^[[Mr. René]]

[[image: line drawing of a grey-shaded octagon with "AD" in the centre]]
578 Madison Avenue
New York
N. Y. [[/preprinted]]


Miss Theresa D. Parker,
Jacques Seligman & Co., Inc.
3 East 51st Street,
New York City.

My dear Miss Parker:

Thank you for your letter of February 11th.

I will certainly get in to see the exhibition of Mario Korbel whose work I greatly admire.

In the meantime, I am wondering if you are thinking of covers for Arts & Decoration.  Since that beautiful one last year I turn to you with great expectation.

Cordially yours,
^[[Mary Fanton Roberts]

[[preprinted]] MEMBER OF THE AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS [[/preprinted]]

Transcription Notes:
. Mary Fanton Roberts was an American journalist and writer. She was best known as an editor of women's and decorating magazines.