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Paris, July 11th 1938

Dear Miss Roullier,

Your kind letter of May 24th., was forwarded to me in Paris, and as I have been travelling a great deal, I was not able to answer you sooner.

Furthermore, I would not have been in a position to give you a definite answer earlier, because I have devoted a great deal of time trying to get together enough Braque paintings to make the show worth while.  I regret to say that I have just come to the conclusion that it will be impossible to organise this exhibition as we had planned, specially due to the fact that you would be particularly interested in exhibiting a minimum of eight of his absolutely new canvases.

I have seen Mr. Braque himself, and he has not got one canvas of which he can dispose, and I have been unable to find them in the trade.

On the other hand, we have very good hopes of getting together a fine Gris exhibition, and should you be interested in having this Gris exhibition [[strikethrough]] in December, or [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] in January [[/underlined]], in Chicago, we will gladly let you have it.

Awaiting your answer, and with good wishes for a pleasant summer,

Believe me to be,
Yours sincerely,

(C.M. de Hauke)

Miss Alice Roullier
The Arts Club of Chicago,
400 North Michigan avenue, Chicago.