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G/MH  30/6/38

^[[underlined]] M. C.M. de Hauke [[/underlined]]
M. R.M. Levy.

I have just had a long talk with Mrs Goodspeed to whom I promised the Juan Gris exhibition for Chicago in January.

Now, as regards the loan of her two Picasso's, the Kahnweiler picture and the "Arlequin", she most probably will let us have them, though in November, at the very time we planned our own Picasso show, she is going to have an exhibition at the Arts Club of paintings belonging to Chicago collectors.

She suggests therefore that should we not be able to have the Braque exhibition, as it looks to-day, we should advance the dates of our Picasso show.

In any case, César should get the descriptions, pedigree, etc., from Kahnweiler about these two paintings, and Bob will obtain the photographs by asking and writing to Miss Alice Roulier, to whom Mrs Goodspeed is writing.

She also told me she would try and see Braque and induce him to let us have some of his latest paintings for our show, on account of the interest it would have for her to have them later in Chicago.