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[[underlined]] Page 2. de la Fresnaye Exhibition [[/underlined]] 

[[four columns]]

| Oils | Drawings | Ins. Val.
[[Underlined]] MR. WILLIAM N. EISENDRATH, JR. 1127 W. Division St. Chicago [[/underlined]] |   |   | 
1. _____________  |    | 1 |

[[underlined]] JACQUES SELIGMANN & CO., 5E. 75th Street, New York City [[/underlined]] |   |  |
1. Quatorze Juillet oil ^[[1914]] |  2 |  3 | own ins.
2. Bouteille dr Porto oil ^[[1914]] |   |   |
3. Nudes dr. ^[[1910-11]] |   |   |
4. Meditation dr. ^[[1922]] |   |   |
5. Still Life dr. ^[[1922]] |   |   |


Total...... | [[underlined]] 19 [underline] | 11 [[/underlined]]
TOTAL No. OF PIECES | [[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] |   |

[[dotted line across page]]

We shall try one more to see ff we cannot induce the following to change their minds and lend us (These are doubtful as they have already declined to Seligmann)
1. Mrs. Joseph H. Rosenaum, Washington, D.C. - drawing - Poste de Police
2. Wm. W. Crocker, S. F. President of Museum, - drawing - Postoffice- Papier coll
3. Duncan Phillips _ Mappe du Monde - oil ^[[1913]]
4. Museum of Modern Art *(James T. Soby) - Still Life.

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