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The Arts Club of Chicago
109 East Ontario Street

TELEPHOEN SUperios 7-3997

Will you please give us the following information for use in the catalogue, for our insurance agents and by the staff of the club.

Title of work: ^[[Le Chef de Musique]]
Date: ^[[1917-18]]
Media: ^[[Pencil]]
Measurements: ^[[10-1/2 x 7-1/2"  (0.27 x 0.19)]]
Artist: ^[[Roger de la Fresnaye]]
Loaned by: ^[[Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman]]

Credit line as you wish it to appear in catalogue:
^[[Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman, New York]]

Is the work insured by you? ^[[No]]
Do you wish us to insure it while it is in our hands? ^[[Yes]]
What value shall we carry on it? ^[[$1,500(ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS)]]
If for sale, sales price: ^[[Not for sale]] 
Do you have a photograph: ^[[Yes]]

^[[cc Porjes]]