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Quarterly statement of Stores and Property belonging to Q.M. Dept. U.S. Army, for quarter ending December 31st 1866.

[[6 column table]]
Articles | On hand per last statement (Date Oct. 1st 1866.) | Received from Officers | Total. | --- | Remaining on hand in quarter ending Dec. 31st 1866.

Benches | 89 | --- | 89 | --- | 89
Chairs | 8 | --- | 8 | --- | 8
Coal Hods | 11| --- | 11 | --- | 11
Elbows | 78 | --- | 78 | --- | 78
Flanges | 11 | --- | 11 | --- | 11
Fire Shovels | 13 | --- | 13 | --- | 13
Fire Pokers | 16 | --- | 16 | --- | 16
Stoves (Coal) | 56 | --- | 56 | --- | 56
Stoves (Wood) | 1 | --- | 1 | --- | 1
Stove Pipe (feet) | 720 | --- |720  | --- | 729
Stove Pipes Caps | | 1 | 1 | --- | 1
Tables | 37 | --- | 37 | --- | 37
Wire (lbs) | 13 1/2| --- | 13 1/2 | --- | 13 1/2
Zinc (lbs) | 126 | --- | 126 | --- | 126

I certify that this is correct
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt of Schools.