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Sheet 1.

Colored Free Schools (Day) in the District of Columbia — May 1865. 

[[9 column table]]
 | Name of Teachers. | Location. | Scholars present. | Scholars claimed. | Wages of Teachers. | By whom supported. | School Hours. | Remarks. 

1. | { Miss Lucy A. Flagg. " [[ditto for Miss]] Annie E. Washington, 1st Asst. (Colored) " [[ditto for Miss]] Lavinia Coke, 2nd Asst. (Colored) } | Baptist Church, Cor. 19th & I streets. | 117 | 125- | 50 dolls. per mo. 40 " " " [[ditto for dolls., ditto for per, ditto for mo.]] 30 " " " [[ditto for dolls., ditto for per, ditto for mo.]] | N.E. Freedmen's Aid Commission Boston, Mass. | From Ap. 1 to Oct. 1 8½ to 11½ A.M. 1 to 3 P.M. From Oct. 1 to Ap. 1 9 to 12 A.M. | This school is known as the [[underlined]] Boston School. [[/underlined]] 

2. |  Miss Martha J. Emerson. | Baptist Church Q street, bet. 16th & 17th sts. | 30 | 35 | $50 per mo. | do. [[ditto for N.E. Freedmen's Aid Commission Boston, Mass.]] | do [[ditto for From Ap. 1 to Oct. 1 8½ to 11½ A.M. 1 to 3 P.M. From Oct. 1 to Ap. 1 9 to 12 A.M.]] | Branch of the Boston School.

3. { Miss Frances W. Perkins, " [[ditto for Miss]] Emma V. Brown, 1st Asst. (Colored) " [[ditto for Miss]] Thomas, 2nd Asst. (Colored) " [[ditto for Miss]] Smith, 3rd Asst. (Colored) } | New School House, Cor. C ^[[insertion]] (south) [[/insertion]] and 2nd ^[[insertion]] (east) [[/insertion]] sts. Capitol Hill. | 183 | 200 | $50 per mo. do. [[ditto for $50 per mo.]] $ 40 per mo. do. [[ditto for $40 per mo.]] | N. E. Freedmen's Aid Society, Boston, Mass. | 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 3 P. M. | 

4. | { Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Julia Landry, } All colored. | "Old Camp Barker", 12th st. bet. Q & R sts. | 233 | 250. | $50 per mo. $30 " " [[ditto for per, ditto for mo.]] do. [[ditto for $30 per mo.]] | American Missionary Association, 61 John st. New York City. | 10 ^[[insertion]] A.M. [[/insertion]] to 12½ P.M. 1 to 2 P.M. | 

5. | { Miss S. E. Vinton, " [[ditto for Miss]] Lottie Hill, " [[ditto for Miss]] A. F. Carter, " [[ditto for Miss]] Ogden, " [[ditto for Miss]] Harris, } | Baptist Church, 3rd street, bet. H and I streets. | 166 | 200 | $ 50 per mo. do. [[ditto for $50 per mo.]] do. [[ditto for $50 per mo.]] do. [[ditto for $50 per mo.]] do. [[ditto for $50 per mo.]] | do. [[ditto for American Missionary Association, 61 John st. New York City.]] | 9 to 12 M. 12½ to 2½ P.M. | 


Transcription Notes:
Entry 2: Is Q St. correct? -- Beth