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Alexandria. Va.
March 15th 1867 

I agree with Colonel S.P. See. Supt. of Bureau R. F. & A. L. to complete the following named work in workmanlike manner for the amount set opposite.

Twelve (12) pannel doors @ $5 50/100 per door.  $66,00

Two (2) transoms @ $1 50/100 per transom  3,00

Glazing transoms  $2.64

Plastering lime and hair  416.00

Building 450 feet of fencing, two privys 6x8 and digging two sinks 15 feet deep  125,00

Putting in one hundred (100) panes of glass and furnish materials  18,00

Fifty-five posts @ $ 50/100 per post  27,50

Putting strips around 8 Rooms  8.00

Ventilators in eight (8) Rooms  24,00

Forty two (42) window frames @ $1 50/100 each  63,00

Ten (10) door frames @ $2 00/100 each  20,00

Tin guttering  56,00

Whitewashing Building outside  25,00

Painting forty-six (46) window frames, twenty one (21) doors & frames & two (2) Porches 8x10  90,00
[[tally line]]
Total  944,14

Signed, sealed, and delivered 
in presence of 
Newton Whitten 
Lieut. V.R.C.