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fiscal year 1987 appropriations request to the congress and the fiscal year 1988 federal budget submission to OMB.

Federal operating requirements are projected to increase by $66 million from fiscal year 1988 to fiscal year 1992; about $52 million of that growth is associated with necessary pay, legislated pay increases, and inflationary increases in nonsalary areas including utilities and rent.  Selected aspects of projected program support include full operational funding for the Quadrangle, continued necessary equipping for the Museum Support Center, and expanded resource for ongoing and new program or services, such as the observance of the Columbian Quincentennial, new research initiatives in the iological and astronomical sciences and the humanities, research support requirements (especially automation and instrumentation), care of collections and galleries, exhibitions, and public education, and moderate growth in administrative and central support requirements (principally safety programs, facilities planning, management and financial services, systems development, audits, and legal counsel).

Operations supported with unrestricted trust funds are expected to increase by approximately $52 million from fiscal year 1988 to fiscal year 1992.  These increases are associated primarily with the revenue producing activities where expenses are expected to increase considerably.  Net unrestricted funds available after deduction of auxiliary activity expenses are projected to increase from $30 million to about $36 million, enabling support for a wide variety of activities such as measured progress in increasing capital reserves (endowments) and in directing funds to replace various outdated automated administrative systems.  In addition, trust support for research, fellowships, stipends, specials exhibitions, collections acquisition, and education may increase slightly, depending on the general economy, institutional priorities, and the performance of revenue producing activities.

Operations funded by restricted trust funds are expected to remain relatively stable, reflecting a continued conservative outlook for gift and grant support for future years.  The future year level of support for external granting agencies in astrophysics and other research areas remains imprecise, reflecting in part the funding uncertainty of these agencies in a period of austerity.

The following table contains projections for construction, restoration, and renovation through fiscal year 1992.