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[[underlined]] REPORT OF THE AUDIT AND REVIEW COMMITTEE [[/underlined]]

Mr. Acheson introduced the following report, drawing the Regents' attention to the Committee's discussion of the difficulties in procuring storage equipment at the Museum Support Center and work which the Committee will be doing to bring to the Board a recommendation on establishing a policy on the periodic rotation of the Institution's independent auditors:

* * * * *

The Audit and Review Committee of the Board of Regents met on Thursday morning, October 8, 1987, in the Reception Suite of the National Museum of American History. Mr. Acheson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Members present were:

David C. Acheson, Chairman
Norman Y. Mineta
Jeannine S. Clark
Robert B. Morgan
Charles McC. Mathias

Also present were Secretary Robert McC. Adams; Under Secretary Dean W. Anderson; Assistant Secretary for Administration John F. Jameson; General Counsel Peter G. Powers; Executive Assistant to the Secretary James M. Hobbins; Comptroller Shireen Dodson; Acting Director of the Office of Audits and Investigations Patrick J. Stanton; Director Roger G. Kennedy, Chairman of the Department of Science and Technology Arthur P. Molella, and Chairman of the Department of Social and Cultural History Tom D. Crouch, all of the National Museum of American History; Director of the Office of Facilities Services Richard L. Siegle; Assistant Director for Special Projects, National Museum of Natural History, Catherine J. Kerby; Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Museums Beverly J. Lang; Project Executive of the General Services Administration David A. Lingrell; Partner-in-Charge John D. Strom and Audit Manager Kathy Raffa, both of Coopers and Lybrand; Assistant to Senator Garn Jeff Bingham; Assistant to Senator Sasser John Callahan; and Assistant to Mr. Mineta Phyllis Guss.

At Mr. Acheson's request, Mr. Siegle gave a brief overview of the procurement and installation of storage equipment at the Museum Support Center and introduced Mr. Lingrell and Dr. Kerby. Mr. Lingrell outlined the difficulties experienced in equipping the storage pods of the Center, noting especially problems associated with the planned application of new storage technologies and unforeseen limitations of the contractor, who has now been terminated from the project. Mr. Lingrell then reported on current plans for corrective action, namely the reprocurement of the construction and storage cabinets under separate contracts, with the bidding documents for each reissued and re-certified by the A/E of the Center, Metcalf/KCF, taking advantage, where possible, of recapturable designs and specifications. If the process unfolds as now scheduled, construction of the concrete decks in storage pods 1, 2, and 4 should be