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VOTED that the Secretary is authorized to establish, as part of the Institution's endowment funds, a quasi-unrestricted designated fund to be known as the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Endowment and that the transfer of unrestricted monies identified for the purpose is authorized.

[[underlined]] Fiscal Year 1989 - Budget (Schedule E) [[/underlined]]

The fiscal year 1989 Trust and Federal budgets remain the same as approved by the Regents at the September meeting. The Institution, however, has just received the Office of Management and Budget allowance for the Federal budget. This allowance establishes the basis for the subsequent submission of the fiscal year 1989 appropriations request to Congress. The passback includes $215,484,000 in Salaries and Expenses or $4,183,000 less than requested. In the Zoo Construction account $5,305,000 was provided, which is $295,000 below the request. In the Restoration and Renovation account $24,765,000 was included, or $15,235,000 less than requested. Finally, in the Construction account $3,750,000 was initially allowed or $3,450,000 less than requested. The Institution made a successful appeal to OMB for an additional $3,200,000 to enable the construction of the Whipple Observatory base camp. Details of the passback are currently being reviewed in order to complete development of the Institution's request to Congress.