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Projected growth in program support beyond fiscal year 1989 amounts to approximately $31 million, including some increased operational funding for the Quadrangle occupants, continued necessary equipping for the Museum Support Center, support for activities associated with commemorating the Columbus Quincentenary, funds for new scientific instrumentation and equipment, and expanded resources for other ongoing and new programs or services. The requirements are highlighted in the following paragraphs. 

Resources for occupants of the Quadrangle, including associated central support items, are contained in the fiscal year 1989 submission to Congress at approximately $13 million. If obtained, this would constitute the majority of funds required for planned programs and operations, except about $3 million currently projected for additional program needs for the Sackler Gallery, the Museum of African Art, and the Traveling Exhibition Service. Staffing will need to increase by approximately 20 positions. 

Equipping the Museum Support Center continues to be a priority of the Institution. To this end the Institution's fiscal year 1989 request reflects base funding of approximately $3 million for equipment; operations and collections-related moving costs for fiscal year 1989 amount to another $1.6 million. In the ensuing years, equipment requirements will vary according to the timing of order placement and contracts, actual bids received at the time of procurement, and the inflation rate, but these requirements are currently projected at $4.8 million in fiscal year 1993. Operating costs are projected at $1 million annually, while moving costs should stabilize at $100,000 annually. No added staff beyond fiscal year 1989 are envisioned. 

In addition, over the next several years the Institution will be seeking resources to conduct a variety of new or expanded research programs (in preparation for exhibitions and publications), seminars, lectures, and other activities involving participants from other countries in connection with the Columbus Quincentenary celebrations. While the fiscal year 1989 submission to Congress includes approximately $600,000, follow-on costs are currently estimated at a level of $2 million by fiscal year 1993. Thereafter, the funding associated with the Quincentenary commemoration would decline to $500,000 and be directed at exhibit maintenance and completion of publishing efforts resulting from related meetings, seminars and lectures. No permanent staff increases are projected. 

Substantial additional resource requirements for research are currently projected for the Natural History Museum, Astrophysical Observatory, Tropical Research Institute and the Zoological Park for expanding and establishing new biological and astrophysical research initiatives, especially in scientific support areas related to replacement and upgrading of computer and other equipment, and other technical support. These general requirements are projected throughout the laboratories and museums and amount to approximately $8 million in increased resources by fiscal year 1993. In addition, special instrumentation funds for items such as the conversion of the Multi-Mirror Telescope and development of the submillimeter wavelength telescope array will be required over the next several years. Research instrumentation funding totalling $1.2 million is being sought in fiscal year 1989, and this is expected to increase to about