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Page Four

the very least undergoing a new hearing process to determine if it should be amended.  As it now stands, the legislation is identical to that already previously adopted by the Senate, and the Rules Committee is prepared to simply pass it through to the floor for action whenever we are ready to proceed.  In their view the previous hearing record is sufficient for them to make that judgement.  Site selection "competition" establishes an entirely new set of circumstances, legislatively.

I use the term "competition" advisedly, because I would expect that, should be the proposed Motion be adopted, and the planning process begin, the Institution would not simply accept a presentation from Maryland and consider it against information previously supplied by Dulles "constituents" and Virginia.  It would only seem "fair and equitable" to allow both interested parties an equal opportunity to submit current and relevant information for the Institution to consider.

In conclusion, let me say again that I wholeheartedly support the proposed planning process, insofar as it describes the sort of "mission planning" that would best serve the Institution in a NASM expansion.  I am eager to see the process begin, and for that definition to materialize.  My concern is simply with regard to the matter of site evaluation.  Furthermore, I believe that the "mission" assessment and planning can be even more effectively and expeditiously done with a designated site as one of the "givens".

I would, therefor, encourage my colleagues on the Board of Regents to vote to support the planning process, with the modification that it be carried out with respect to an expected location at Dulles International Airport.  I also hope it is clear to them that to do otherwise represents a clear reversal of their previously-voted position in support of the Dulles location.

I apologize for the length of this letter, but I felt it necessary to try to clearly establish the reasons for my concerns, in my unfortunately unavoidable absence.  I recognize that asking the Regents to read this letter in its entirety will consume some time, but I am sure I would take a great deal MORE of their time if I were able to be there personally, so the use of this letter can be considered a "short-cut".  I would be happy to discuss this matter in even more detail with you or with any of my colleagues on the Board of Regents.

Thank you for all of your excellent work, and for your assistance in bringing these concerns to the attention of the Board.



Jake Garn
United Staes Senator
