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[[image: circular line drawing, presumably the crest of Virginia]]

Office of the Governor
Richmond 23219 

Charles S. Robb

March 15, 1985

Dr. Robert McCormick Adams
The Smithsonian Institute
1000 Jefferson Drive, N. W.
Washington D.C. 20560

Dear Dr. Adams:

I am delighted that the planned expansion of the National Air and Space Museum will be at Dulles Airport.  Your site will, in fact, be quite near our new Center for Innovative Technology.

I understand that, as early as next year, the first space shuttle may be deeded to the National Air and Space Museum and will be placed on permanent public display at Dulles.  it is exciting that this shuttle will become the centrepiece of a new museum building that will, in time, expand to cover the full range of aerospace endeavor.

The National Air and Space Museum Dulles Wing will provide an exciting learning experience of great relevance for tomorrow's world of super technology.  It will also have great popular appeal.  Today, therefore, I am pledging to the National Air and Space Museum the goodwill and help of the Commonwealth.  I am also asking the Washington Dulles Task Force, which has been instrumental in the location of the museum at Dulles, to work with the National Air and Space Museum in order to complete the project in a timely manner.

Please let me know if there is anything further Virginia can do to be supportive of your endeavors.

[[signed]] Chuck Robb [[/signed]]
Charles S. Robb
