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under way to select a consultant engineer company to prepare an engineering and structural design for the change to the single-mirror telescope.  The need to give attention to the historical context of ideas conveyed through the educational program, STAR, is necessary, and a personal concern of mine that is by no means limited to the field of astronomy and astrophysics.  SAO staff involved in the project are mindful of the need for this dimension, so often lacking in schools' science curricula, and will turn to the further development of their program with renewed enthusiasm as a result of the Council's encouragement.  I am also persuaded by the lively discussion that went on over the issue of the appointment of additional theorists that this possibility needs further consideration before we act upon it.  I expect that Irwin and his colleagues will grant this, though it would not be surprising if they continue to believe that such appointments should be a high priority.

With respect to the discussions of various aspects of the Smithsonian's American Indian policies and programs, I welcome your expression of interest in having a report at the Council's next meeting on the progress of our activities in these areas.  As their evolution demands increasing attention by the Institution, we shall look to the Council for additional discussion and guidance.

A means for forging closer relationships in a concerted and systematic manner with national organizations that operate Native American studies programs is not currently within our grasp.  However, we have a strong network of personal and professional ties that, I am confident, will provide a basis for more formal relationships in the future.  Clearly these will be essential if we proceed with a proposed affiliation with the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, and are able to implement the training, research, and traveling exhibit programs that we envision.  At present the prospect of that relationship awaits resolution of political and financial issues in New York.  There has been a good deal of further [[underlined]] Sturm und Drang [[/underlined]] since the time of the Council meeting, but I cannot say that any of it has clarified the final outcome or even established a schedule for doing so.

Meanwhile, we are proceeding with plans for new exhibit halls at the National Museum of Natural History and for incremental expansion in our American Indian programs.  The Smithsonian budget for the current fiscal year suffered some reductions as a result of last month's Congressional activity, while that for the next fiscal year offers little hope of alleviating acute staffing shortages that exist in these and other programs.  Nonetheless, we will be able to sustain a modest buildup to the Quincentenary, which we have always viewed as providing a special opportunity for collaborative programs on American Indian cultural life not only within the Institution but outside of it.

As you have already been apprised, we look forward to the Council's consideration next fall of our role in the history of