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science and technology. We will be equally grateful for your help in thinking about the Smithsonian's international programming and relationships in the years ahead. These two important topics, coupled with further reporting on developments in American Indian programs, give us a full agenda for the next meeting, scheduled for October 21-23, 1988, here in Washington. I will be in touch with you soon about planning for these sessions.

Finally, I should add that we were very pleased by the Council's willingness to carry on part of its deliberations in Cambridge before coming to Washington for the final sessions. Perhaps I presume too much, and in any case there is no immediate prospect that the funds could be found to support even more extensive travel, but the prospect is now firmly in mind that one of these years we should make a serious effort to arrange for part of the Council's meeting to be devoted, [[underline]] in situ [[/underline]], to the very active and important research operations that we carry on at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama.


[[signed]] Bob [[/signed]]
Robert McC. Adams