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systematically the varied constituencies of the Smithsonian, a task which he views as both complicated and made more important by the fact that every other Assistant Secretary, and virtually every bureau and office of the Institution, has interests and activities that fit into that sweeping mandate.  Beyond his most immediate task -- that of recruiting a director of membership and development (for which there are some encouraging prospects) -- Dr. Lovejoy aspires to create an internal council of external affairs which would attempt to treat Smithsonian relations with its various constituencies in a more coordinated and forceful manner.  He also hopes to link the Institution more effectively to other constituencies, such as Washington's highly influential and intellectual ambassadorial community as well as the communities from which the Institution has representatives on the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates.  In addition, Dr. Lovejoy intends to investigate the prospect of a major capital campaign, for which he foresees ultimate success, and will be looking into the possibility of taking advantage of recently developed strategies for augmenting funds for Smithsonian activities abroad through blocked currencies and the conversion of public and private debt overseas.  In connection with these latter responsibilities Dr. Lovejoy is particularly keen to contribute to the Institution's traditional pursuit of cultural and biological conservation.

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The Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs has been established to advise the Secretary and senior management of the Institution on development and membership policy and programs in particular, and on the Institution's external relationships from a general and comprehensive perspective.  Working in collaboration with the bureaus and offices of the Smithsonian, the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs will review and advise on sundry matters relating to external affairs, such as public affairs, special events, international activities, and liaison with Congress.  In this role, the Assistant Secretary will represent the Institution in dealing with commissions, advisory boards, Federal agencies, and Congressional committees on development, public relations, and other external matters.  It is the special charge of the Assistant Secretary for