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[[underlined]] Executive Report on Equal Opportunity [[/underlined]]


The Executive Report describes briefly the salient aspects of equal opportunity concerns and progress which occurred during fiscal year 1987. Representation of women and minorities in top level management structures, positions and grades, and in the research and curatorial (professional) occupational categories is highlighted. Summary information on complaints, affirmative action, and other program efforts is presented. 

In summary, the majority of goals set for women and minorities were accomplished, and representation improved slightly. A small increase was realized in the employment of disabled persons. Direct and indirect recruitment sources were expanded to provide more opportunities for training and career development to minority students and scholars. To increase minority community participation and to broaden outreach through more varied cultural programming and networking, the ad hoc Affirmative Action Committee and the Smithsonian Cultural Education Committee were created by top management. 

Details of annual equal opportunity progress are in the appendices. Appendix A shows affirmative action progress including total work force comparisons, occupational groups, work force dynamics, and goals and accomplishments. Appendix B shows direct and indirect recruitment priorities and sources. Appendix C details special program initiatives that significantly did equal opportunity objectives, while Appendix D describes the origin, where appropriate, and purpose of equal opportunity program components.