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Recruitment Priorities

Recruitment priorities are developed through analyses of underrepresentation and projected goals for women and minorities.

[[underlined]] Affirmative Action Committee [[/underlined]]

The Under Secretary established this Committee as an ad hoc working group in the first quarter of fiscal year 1987. The Committee was charged with recommending ways of improving the representation of women and minorities in Administrative, Technical, and most particularly, Professional positions. The Committee developed a set of five recommendations as follows:

• Make the Affirmative Action Committee permanent.

• Present an affirmative action training program for selection officials and supervisors;

• Include a performance element on the implementation of affirmative action policies, plans and goals in the performance plans of all managers and supervisors;

• Place a greater priority on the Upward Mobility Program as regards funding and available slots; and

• Develop a policy on search committee procedure and composition. 

The work of the Committee is related to the direct and indirect recruitment methods now in place.

[[underlined]] Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program [[/underlined]]

Working with the OEO, OPERSA made special recruitment efforts for minorities and women based on specific requests from organization units. OPERSA worked from the groups targeted for recruitment priorities in fiscal year 1987 and 1988 as shown in Figure B-1.