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13. [[underlined]] Smith v. McKinnon, Smithsonian Institution, et al [[/underlined]] (contest of the Last Will and Testament of Laura Isabelle O'Dea, under which the Smithsonian is the principal beneficiary of the estate, worth approximately $200,000) - Filed on July 25, 1986, in the Superior Court, San Diego, California, alleging that Ms. O'Dea made an oral promise to leave her entire estate to plaintiff in exchange for his caring for her during the last years of her life and seeking to have the alleged promise enforced by the imposition of a constructive trust for plaintiff's benefit on all the estate property. Discovery proceedings are under way.

14. [[underlined]] Wade v. Smithsonian Institution [[/underlined]] ([[underlined]] pro se [[/underlined]]; alleged violation of constitutional rights of plaintiff, who is incarcerated in federal prison in Anthony, Texas, and who tendered a counterfeit money order for mail order merchandise, which Smithsonian officials allegedly mislabeled as "forged" upon forwarding the money order to prison officials) - Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas on December 30, 1986. Plaintiff seeks money damages, declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief. A motion to dismiss for improper service was filed March 31, 1987. The U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas is representing the Smithsonian and its defendant employees.

[[underlined]] CASES DISPOSED OF: [[/underlined]]

15. [[underlined]] Cofield v. Burford [[/underlined]]

On May 7, 1985, plaintiff was removed during probation from his Smithsonian security guard position. He subsequently filed both an appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) and a complaint of discrimination with the Institution. The MSPB dismissed his appeal for lack of jurisdiction and plaintiff filed a [[underlined]] pro se [[/underlined]] appeal of that dismissal with the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. This case was transferred to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on August 22, 1986 ([[underlined]] Cofield v. MSPB [[/underlined]], No. 86-2341). Plaintiff also filed a [[underlined]] pro se [[/underlined]] suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on March 6, 1986 ([[underlined]] Cofield v. Burford [[/underlined]], No. 86-0363), alleging the removal was discriminatorily based on his race, sex, and color under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Plaintiff apparently sought reinstatement and back pay. Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment was denied September 12, 1986. Defendant's motion to dismiss was denied, without prejudice, September 12, 1986. Defendant's motion for summary judgment was filed October 23, 1986. Plaintiff's reply was filed October 24, 1986. Defendant's supplemental memorandum was filed November 3, 1986. The Court issued an order dismissing plaintiff's complaint in Case No. 86-0363 on December 19, 1986. Plaintiff's petition for reconsideration was denied January 8, 1987, and plaintiff filed a notice of appeal with the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on February 11, 1987. Defendant filed a motion for summary affirmance, which was granted on September 1, 1987. Plaintiff's mixed case complaint in Case No. 86-2341 was also transferred back to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit by the District Court on