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011002.155      S.L.C.


1 | concerned many Indian tribes and bands who are 
2 | determined to provide an appropriate resting place for
3 | their ancestors;
4 | (11) a national memorial should be constructed 
5 | in a suitable location on the Mall in the District of
6 | Columbia for the purpose of –
7 | (A) commemorating and memorializing
8 | those Indian nations that have disappeared in
9 | the process of European settlement on this 
10 | continent, and
11 | (B) recognizing the Indian tribes and 
12 | nations that live on their ancestral lands within
13 | the United States and acknowledging their 
14 | historical contribution to American society;
15 | (12) an extraordinary site on the National Mall
16 | in the District of Columbia (U.S. Government 
17 | Reservation No. 6) which has been reserved for the use of
18 | the Smithsonian Institution is available for 
19 | construction of a suitable building to permanently house the
20 | collection of the National Museum of the American 
21 | Indian, and to temporarily house that portion of the
22 | collection of the Museum of the American Indian, 
23 | Heye Foundation, on loan to the National Museum
24 | of the American Indian;