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Accession :

Entries in the fish register. [[strikethrough]] July 1 to Dec, 31 [[/strikethrough]], 1881.
                                     during the
The fishes entered in the catalogues within the
[[strikethrough]] time here specified 
[[/strikethrough]]. represent an addition of 535

numbers. [[strikethrough]] and not less than 240 

species. The reeord [[?]] extends from 28646 to 

29150, both inelusive, and from 29801 to 29830.

[[/strikethrough]] The large collections of 

Magaltan fishes and ithoso [[?]] made by Lieut. 

Nichols, U.S.N., in Lower California and on the 

west coast of Mexico are now in the hands of 

Professor Jordan and Gillert [[?]], who are, from

 time to time, publishing the results of their 

investigations in the Proceedings of the Museums'

Mr. F. Brusse, of Geeslemiinde [[?]], has has 

continued his shipments of fresh fishes from the 

Baltre [[?]] for reproduction in plaster by the 

modeller [[?]] of the Museums.

The Australian Museum of Sydney, New South Wales, 

has contributed about 70 species of Australian 

fishes as a return for collections presented by

the U.D. National [[?]] Museum in 1877 and 18. 

The United States Fish Commission