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taken off Long Island.

From Mr. Wm. J. Fisher of St. Paul, Kodiak, were received 12 species of Alaskan fishes.

Mr. Livingston Stone sent a large collection of diseased California salmon which has been forwarded to Mr. John A. Ryder at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila., for examination and report.

Messrs. O. & N. Raynor presented an eel from the Potomac river measuring 41 inches in length and 11 in circumference, by far the largest [[underlined]] Anguilla rostrata [[/underlined]] in the collection.

From Hon. S. G. Worth of North Carolina were received several specimens of land-locked salmon, ^[[insertion]] ( [[underlined]] Salmo salar [[/underlined]] ), [[/insertion]] and a California mountain trout ([[underlined]] Salmo irideus [[/underlined]] ), both of which have been introduced into the Catawba river by the U.S. Fish Commission.

Dr.    Pavey forwarded from Greenland, through the U.S. Signal Office, a small lot of fishes - [[underlined]] Gymnacanthus pistilliger, Cottus   , Cottus scorpius [[/underlined]] subsp. [[underlined]] gronlandicus, Gadus ogac [[/underlined]] , and a charr very much like [[underlined]] Salvelinus fontinalis. [[/underlined]]

Lieut. Henry E. Nichols, U.S.N., has sent from British Columbia & Alaska 31 species, all in excellent condition, and embracing a new species of [[underlined]] Gobius [[/underlined]] and a new genus of [[underlined]] Cryptacanthidae. [[/underlined]]