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care of collections at present as well as the lack of Agassiz tanks for storage.

Professors Jordan & Gilbert now have the collection of fishes made by the latter at Mazatlan & Panama as well as those taken by Lieut. H. E. Nichols, U.S.N., in Lower California & Mexico. These gentlemen are preparing papers for the Proceedings of the National Museum in which the species are to be described.

In association with the Assistant Director I have prepared descriptions of some of the species collected by the U.S. Fish Commission. I have, also, published descriptions of new fishes from Alaska & Siberia and a catalogue of the entire Alaskan collection.

As usual the work of examining drawings of fishes has consumed an hour or more almost daily.

Some time has been occupied, also, in reading proofs and recording manuscripts for the Proceedings of the National Museum & the Bulletin of the Fish Commission.