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There is no way of determining the large number of labels written and tied on the reserve series of fishes, a work which has been continuous and extended over the whole year.

c. [[underlined]] Work on Exhibition Series [[/underlined]]

The exhibition series has been largely increased from time to time from the reserve series as a result of the study and determination of miscellaneous collections containing species which it was desirable to show. The species so selected have been placed in jars, properly labelled and put in the cases with its associates.

d. [[underlined]] Distribution of Duplicates. [[/underlined]]

[[double underlined]] Brown University [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] Mar. 1, 1882.    30312. [[/underlined]]

A specimen of [[underlined]] Myxine glutinosa. [[/underlined]]

[[double underlined]] William T. Harris [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] Mar. 16, 1882 [[/underlined]

Photo-engravings of [[underlined]] Archosargus probatocephalus, Pomatomus saltatrix, Epinephelus moris, Trachynotus carolinus, Sciaenops ocellatus, Megalops atlanticus, Albula vulpes [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Esox nobilior. [[/underlined]]