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[[double underlined]] Phillips, Barnet [[/double underlined]] . [[underlined]] Apr. 18, 1882 [[/underlined]]. 6857.

A specimen of sea horse ([[underlined]] Hippocampus [[/underlined]])

[[double underlined]] Forest & Stream Publishing Co. [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] May 8, 1882 [[/underlined]]. 
Electros of 4 plates in Bull. F.C. illustrating John A. Ryder's paper on Spanish Mackerel.

[[double underlined]] Lucas, J. F. [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] Dec. 14, 1882 [[/underlined]].
One [[underlined]] Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps [[/underlined]] 28859
one [[underlined]] Caulolatilus princeps [[/underlined]] 24973,
to be skeletonized.

[[double underlined]] Shufeldt, Dr. R.W. [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] Dec. 21, 1882 [[/underlined]].
sent to Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, the following representatives of his collection received Dec. 19 :
[[underlined]] Lepomis notatus, Chaenobryttus gulosus, Zygonectes chrysotus, Gambusia patruelis, Mollienesia latipinna, Elassoma zonatum [[/underlined]]. Catalogue numbers 32410 - 32416 & 32418 - 32423.
e. [[underlined]] Reports on special queries submitted by the Director. [[/underlined]]
These reports being usually in the nature of memoranda attached to letters or endorsed upon them I am unable to state their number for the reason that I retained no copy of them. I have written at least 100 letters on museum business during the year