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besides as many marginal notes or brief memoranda.

f. [[underlined]] Services of Assistants. [[/underlined]]

Mr. Barton A. Bean has completed his second year in the museum work on fishes. He has faithfully labored in labelling and installing the collection and in the general routine of office work.

Mr. R. H. Miner, midshipman, U.S.N., has been engaged nearly a year the study of the fishes and the methods of preserving them. He has materially assisted us in caloguing the collection and rearranging it. During the summer months he was engaged with the U.S. Fish Commission party at Woods Holl and took charge, in cooperation with Mr. Peter Parker, Jr., of the fishes secured.

Mr. [[strikethrough]] H. G [[/strikethrough]] Peter Parker, Jr., after having passed the summer with the ^[[U.S.]] Fish Commission party at Woods Holl, where he assisted in