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3. [[double underlined]] Work in Research. [[/double underlined]]

a. [[underlined]] Investigations completed. [[/underlined]]

The curator has devoted such time as he could spare from other duties to the study of certain faunae and the literature relating to some of them. Part of the results of these investigations appears in the chapter on bibliography. The following may be mentioned:

Bibliography of fishes of Pacific Coast,
Notes on Capt. Nichols's Alaskan fishes,
Notes on Capt. Bendire's fishes
Notes on Alaskan & Siberian birds,

Associated with the Assistant Director he has reported upon the following subjects:

[[underlined]] Benthodesmus [[/underlined]], a deep-sea fish,
Fishes of Gulf of Mexico,
Twenty five new fishes from southern United States.

b. [[underlined]] Investigations in progress or proposed. [[/underlined]]

A report upon the fishes and fisheries of Alaska, based primarily upon collections made by the curator in 1880, is in progress. 

In connection with the Assistant Director it is proposed to prepare an elaborate