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1. [[double underlined]]Fishes Catalogued during June, 1882.[[/double underlined]]

The total number of entries in the register was 240 - 30713 to 30952, both inclusive. 

The following additions are noteworthy: 

30713, 30714  [[underlined]] Triloburus trifurcus [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] Lucania parva [[/underlined]],

 [[double underlined]]  Pensacola [[/double underlined]],  [[double underlined]]S. Stearns[[/double underlined]].

The first was imperfectly known from Charleston only. [[underlined]] L. parva [[/underlined]] was not taken south of New Jersey before, and was very poorly represented in the collection.

30716-30730  [[double underlined]]Charleston,[[/double underlined]],  [[underlined]]Capt J.C. Mitchell[[/underlined]].

In this collection were[[underlined]] Fundulus majalis[[/underlined]] and[[underlined]] Alutera scripta[[/underlined]].

30733  [[double underlined]]Louisville, Kentucky[[/double underlined]] (with 7419 old collection.)

A specimen of[[underlined]] Petromyzon  hirudo[[/underlined]] (Grd.) Bean.

30735  [[double underlined]]Unalashka, W. H. Dall[[/double underlined]] (old collection.)

[[underlined]] Alepidosaurus Æsculapius[[/underlined]] Bean.

30736.  [[underlined]]Peristedium miniatum [[/underlined]]  15m. S.E. of Cape May,  Capt. Rackliff thro' I.J.Martin.